More often than not, historic studies focus on grand-scale events that have directly impacted the world, such as wars, revolutions, and protest movements. Still, we believe that old cultural trends also deserve some attention. Things like hair trends come and go, but thanks to the work of historians and photographers, they’ll be forever. From Christian monks to 1960s rock stars, let’s take a journey back in time to see some of the most controversial hairstyles that were once extremely popular!
The tonsure
Back in Medieval times, Christian monks had to meet several requirements to be fit for their job. One of them involved their hair. Since long natural hair was associated with sexuality and eroticism, the church established the obligation of having a tonsure, Latin for “clipping” or “shearing.”
Shaving the top of their heads was also seen as a sign of religious devotion and humility. Needless to say, the aesthetic aspect wasn’t a priority. Surprisingly, this is still a traditional practice in Catholicism by specific religious orders (with papal permission).